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Glücklich und dumm? Oder doch lieber schlau und unglücklich? Und was essen eigentlich gerne Piraten? Dies und vieles mehr in Episode 46.

Transkript anzeigen

00:00:00: Lacht devil the podcast updated version click bottle dot was.

00:00:05: Music.

00:00:40: Become to look through Nyan episode Ahoy TV damn it.

00:00:45: Didn't get won't until man-to-man oh is this a larger size 10 tapa tapa is coming condo hiding for the guys Devin.

00:00:58: Does it annoy if this is not in Halloween FIBA what each one of garnet ring I'm sorry remember the emotional kind of enter his mind active hello you get fired.

00:01:09: Script for 230 degrees and then coming back and depicted knee knee knee,

00:01:18: to laser surgery on his face / skin powder also Halloween parties have responded to my room with to Amazon as well as a woman soon I'm blind with commutation failure of the episode has dumped is the SD card start to come on run,

00:01:33: things or was that my visually because they give his brothers Mustang shot,

00:01:38: Robinson's number of unique film would need Academy Health seven again I said Nick mindly blinks first so I guess you have to guess the whole study of mushroom,

00:01:50: it's done getting a house for us now with my DS to loiter and it's from a wound zones was in Kenya comes in the Arctic neighborhoods wow her personal freedom I am yeah either buy a new life.

00:02:04: Thus fun crazy Hunter leash I believe a few whole illusion puzzle chamber okay,

00:02:12: yeah Cheltenham them climb Kaiser for craftable dilaudid is really just party fucking bitch Tom Tasha MBA is a groups fun have neither stop well 20 Hertz yeah was on my side but muscle a manager so I don't.

00:02:28: Fun on those ads on Halloween mask then deep links custom Vanity Fair cladding misters.

00:02:36: Washing machine are good Christian Slater came up and it I'm still disgusting.

00:02:47: Does confidence and coffee cup with you as markers for sure.

00:02:51: Prince Marcus for none held dear freezer Nissan's that this is one complete piece of me.

00:02:58: Done it must become a byline for the existing idea is here,

00:03:03: Nissan's first technique you got me excited this version can be extremely happy almost so close yeah it's on a videos fun kind of the costume.

00:03:18: And.

00:03:20: Yeah keep my comment about the Lord has really moved by a costumed in other states with Donna better.

00:03:30: Stick.

00:03:36: The - I like it unlike kid who's eventually results in three,

00:03:41: I found one who told sets another woman involved in my love it's all over me dad this is my Nikita You Don't Own Me.

00:03:51: Your father Ian far - man.

00:03:57: Yeah it's really like I'm struggling with my name Ian has given us on Denia if I sneak as and faculty Steve-O Gleason,

00:04:06: it's about 82 in their whites and I'll crack in Guinness Book Day recorder.

00:04:13: The Kaboom there is fasts why km long.

00:04:18: He looks for yeah and it's coming on and kilo meter that's 5,000 fine at 90 staunch Fair.

00:04:26: It's kind of a good at Goodwill to go resin has hardened and this is I am persona non.

00:04:36: It's not like I can send their concerts in simply barn roof Econoline van.

00:04:41: Aziz assistant notice is right she's right situations within the client gets to be sick fast I'm an accomplished whites and here stand as here I am.

00:04:52: Now we highest phagocytic in one,

00:04:54: scandalous Tim Gunn's very important and food yeah I'm gonna like em thinks I'm a cool just let me finish lights are the seaweed of us can find out what was his identification card.

00:05:08: Talk.

00:05:10: Yeah good exceed rupees I bet was up isn't it make - mcaleese me quite enough time value are listed as they are and record by four nights in analytic come over,

00:05:24: and it's come as even km long come all skinned ostend.

00:05:30: To get this year in a pagan mmm I'm a funny cast I km Sean,

00:05:39: lot of complex in fly by glacial these thirsty and zoom 250 everything the knee now we can finish nail fandora as a piece of inside Sagrada is I was it's done but surely.

00:05:50: Yes I do you've got it other.

00:05:53: Yes your to the developed really fun the guide technician a fun contest of Ben 10's now passing these dinners and uncool,

00:06:03: I'll banish fight so it's 4080 toyosu to fight evil computer a random IP space nap title its first winds will gust to wall mmm it sooner class copy wouldn't dirty try to be exhausted,

00:06:16: the food here that's Alicia,

00:06:19: original one of idealism where you can lose a tooth fairy pinned under attack that's what good is it to give woman's and Agnes crazy simmer down hot hatch on us,

00:06:29: what we can't express service is Claude Shannon's cool here's a toast to film exactly Deutsche Bahn a picnic a little much easier.

00:06:38: One day stabilization get into getting instant oh my Colleen a Vestige of an addiction I negus.

00:06:46: Nice Vice Randy okay good to have you and your daughter walking with Cuba hmm,

00:06:54: Hans Von is activists new enemy attacks actually these are talking about hunt anything maybe since to present to present Sushi Leon.

00:07:07: Good evening my mom going to cause a house of cards he paints only humor daily walk with people who moons Museum straight on the,

00:07:14: Mexican media and cooked over a steak velocity Peter and freedom,

00:07:18: that's how you're beautiful I'm xenocide cop and Thief keep that as a proposed around as my side and say that's from their motorcycles in DC I understand you get clipped at.

00:07:28: Us Gap is clip in your missing tooth this man is my lovely had City and I know.

00:07:38: And then Skillet good clip and had to about York in Dubai.

00:07:43: Yes I don't be shy see another case can you feel your kind and watch it for themselves how to do it needed money he started as all the best in the episode resume at a step towards their active Israel state,

00:07:56: keep the flip-flop is XYZ my idiot.

00:07:59: Then it's fun and they didn't know how tight soon wound needs is a defined Flavia allocation converter is all kind activists at Sydney Festival -

00:08:13: in the NFL football of still fight lovely mr. Mike coats cooking they repeal this one.

00:08:23: Yeah so your spirit that you love and you know and Bobby Wagner found in l.a. Rams,

00:08:30: Adam Shapiro Kings and Francisco does he have specifically love will not help the pump back under foot for still hadn't had also from circle of income,

00:08:39: just confirmed Bachelor give us tan the skin is protected not what you do so it's won't be fractions and flits allow for you w VN and - heart away.

00:08:48: It's up to get these activist guitar - Beauty,

00:08:52: vinick Sun Oven football fail to generate internal architected sometimes dinner.

00:09:02: It's worded Bobby Wagner in the angered cycling them texting,

00:09:06: old if I stone is as that of telephony Kirsten become the activity of a kind you know that's not can him off,

00:09:13: finish it pushing the attacker as if I should trust me faster by Buster by households combine against Jose Unified steel snake larger gig didn't go home,

00:09:25: what about cooking crazy about South to my little sister tell this to economic Valley of the Kings by say it again video making their betrayal as we had already graduated,

00:09:35: deception for he raps about Revolution hi fish package penguins are cool hey Paula it's very easy for me and Ian hi fish clearance item E1 B upkeep is,

00:09:45: yeah it's so polluted feisty isn't my office in suits who offed,

00:09:51: Carnage busted my your movies and soon activism was defense attorney.

00:09:57: So is it me or is it because you're in clear by McDonald's.

00:10:02: I'm the ice machine and the I cannot even see any the vacation divorced in Glastonbury kinda bored,

00:10:10: but a man and I invited him text also one of us we have not and spy given a bit since where's its fiber ashram and I was their Champions League now I lost a couple be.

00:10:23: Nicole permit Atletico Madrid Leverkusen Burger on Port 80 so just leave it tickle bear,

00:10:30: thank money recycle is a treaty couldn't Leverkusen biter conversion.

00:10:35: Brtt coolest most wounded wounded two different Celeste team is need to leave a cousin on that little cousin put it on Twitter but who cares and Essence Fighters custom know.

00:10:49: Could you tell you about my good service was almost on its billion a year for The Underdogs.

00:10:55: On this vehicle I wish I can fly McClintock was will also swings in Partnership about.

00:11:01: I'm starting to get us to mine it's mine on the first time in a very happy time for my question why would I hide.

00:11:10: Give me a phone is it a sister she finished another mattifying products again this is a,

00:11:15: this was just transferred from spun off from getting a team the king Shawn really miss my vehicle now to those of us today I did have money for the athletic offenses also thing wouldn't have forensics we are busy here.

00:11:28: I must admit it.

00:11:30: Crazy but this is heightened something Puma not positive for our Native American Fortunes in partnership with our economic by Knuckles okay,

00:11:40: good servicing old,

00:11:42: yes fuck this vegan Arbiter kind causes problems because you know every patient that we have deeper for three things like that yeah that not IMA who spoiled and very self pay any hypnosis and Brenda,

00:11:55: BM have written Himes have written Telemark synagogue,

00:12:01: see the guys yes to ask you had that up to emptying from the amount of dealer so any videos about the answer them cotton,

00:12:10: perfect Atlantis mysticism.

00:12:14: Da I've got this wonderful film and shaft and that is fire armed yeah.

00:12:25: Upton blue guitar Nicholas Falco a multiple Bond and buses of them silly guy yeah my cookman the video man-made Kingdom inverter,

00:12:34: I'll just drop biscuit on video base B 5 years ago size as this but you know soon so David for sure he was fully let's men's diesel oil filter feed both balloon flying above plus it's fun see Ben Zion,

00:12:47: done good craft does here,

00:12:51: first mostly goes to 12 hour later we should have booked tickets a result of volunteers from kicking so this is Nick does Derek because 50 meters of us in cough but iPhone to install guide,

00:13:04: got it it's when he decided to accept a huge Pita I was home from Vietnam,

00:13:10: you filthy 1/2 a tsp been translated as he could confess my cooking up a phone.

00:13:21: It's about familiar because one second and he believes in that step or a funky Deirdre and,

00:13:27: this pasta and dim interesa hat yeah other that could have a possibility he's a Target on its man and completely since do it,

00:13:36: condition does not wish to defer sorry from the robot Lewandowski lines already have failed and if you spoiler,

00:13:44: let's take let's see number by and functional Bosom Buddies over that best spy the devil,

00:13:50: nine huh look inspired by novalogic Maxim to promoting fornication with 50 dispute on this country at least the best foods for the devil are go over Lewandowski Twisted kicker.

00:14:02: It's quicker yeah so I can steer his 40s good would like to promoting.

00:14:10: Voyager to promoting the socks pulled and with the man she's with Martin's divider yeah pass me that up no hope you find is happening here born in the item has misled Langham,

00:14:25: did you hold your show good cooked Gila,

00:14:28: what does me off coupon for whom temperament and characterized as with childish they'll make their decision.

00:14:37: Simplex tricked the homeless Community engine in Macau Macau.

00:14:43: Phone been to me to make me call it something like sake,

00:14:57: because which somebody but he's really good at like he flew Tosh.O don't be seen as a child was marching band or you have you back there,

00:15:04: that since I've been a copy off most of us protect and kogami Munda mr. Oliver's commanders and so it's really about of the Heritage Home alexandrovna fatigue,

00:15:15: God it's not the squirrels rabbits rabbits business is something with me Premier in up cringing well cut like designed to give us did see this is also in for Oliver vehicle.

00:15:27: Yeah if I can attack as it is a schedule I Angela would establish my shout Delilah let's perform in Larson is.

00:15:36: Make us look bad doggie occult,

00:15:39: finish Zetas financial compensation or he'll miss you I thought he said gags but if Mike was for Seinfeld never told a there's a big joke to you depart I accomplished a joke seen my,

00:15:51: everything just came out fake and flex that's it.

00:15:55: Your bones cleanse your heart if you do if you spot again have told him it's a hose.

00:16:04: Lead us further think we've made an activist versus Mateen that's what else is about Malcolm you wanted this man shine but other town of blood.

00:16:12: Face this way you can use it sounds like a partial match lawmen Chicago be counted only yeah Indians who heads make a dynamic who mistook his cut of pauza in Indian.

00:16:28: Just a shooter.

00:16:31: Jesus any Moon system starting maybe I'm I'm On Target Congress part in a certain aw it was fun.

00:16:39: You won't getting Alice This Is 50 here as I was no Billy's name at catnip house and not only spiritually Riser and.

00:16:49: Who longs to and is in Indian up get out as individual ownership or nia.

00:16:56: We always consider our shine back it's like shooting no matter Lloyd in this course in Bollywood film.

00:17:08: So done sticky lighter but there still is all you princess Christian another calculates podcast fund inclement wind.

00:17:17: Yeah that's a good positive about rebellion if you kind of critic before here so my lab text messages through.

00:17:27: Did you open the file in Florida you have on the island island Coolio's mm I wasn't fighting vague he punched me defrag a bit.

00:17:36: It was me let's rock it to you - shoot and get angry find is only answering because demand is no higher Praise Him,

00:17:46: hi Vis hemmed.

00:17:48: This kid but I wanted to start some new clothes a figurehead addendum hate goddamn ask man malicious fine yeah very good in fact he kind of said Senator sieben day I'll punch Mexico State rules,

00:18:02: yes Grandma it's I'll side with him to protect that okay.

00:18:07: It's pretty flexible movement behind him dance routine of Azkaban certainly should turn on a Road Warriors everything is hemmed.

00:18:16: Let's assume take me a while that's why him.

00:18:20: Yes Alexis name decides about this phone happened behind him to canossian of what are you my dad and my little trifling him.

00:18:29: Yeah I feel like this offering him lift your lipstick say line height by mention by sweet man hold on.

00:18:40: May I mention about a stress is my vision of me good name because it's so nice how the hell could be some by ending.

00:18:50: Resignation over the design Fox for us opinion multinational possible newsletter and get on fine until your bobbin out to me as my nuts here.

00:19:01: It's to get will put ticket.

00:19:05: Faster movement in Paso and a good solid and it's a here this is Susie AA of Pokemon Blue pot I was cleared.

00:19:15: Certainly in Van Zant pantalon will speak through the custard lung tissue Lavon and I hate his ass loads of a for a entire garden and come here I'm gonna need you to document your corner here in that's as good as they have currently.

00:19:28: Because mental decision open so cute and virus dpd gnome Thief either by Irish coconut the white and zombie scene from I'm an RV film written up cool.

00:19:38: Later for and cancel this tiger lead yeah clap for the model un sign over my sister tells please zoom in and around Baghdad Alex Clark,

00:19:48: Beckett Beckett on this is Muslim good and I don't know lesson on the actually Mighty serious résumé either Steiger defending her I'm gay and I contributed or descriptive studies of other stuff I with your style it actually completed the first mattresses minutes here,

00:20:01: a job couldn't good bring it soccer field for you have ultimate Guardian twice medieval times and limousine,

00:20:09: that's us I need you,

00:20:12: this is sorting from the human voice yes there might be a meal or two and twelve it out and I'll fit together at in Vice City of having a state of demos are really starting to happen but how does he hear me him hyped and crazy old skillet.

00:20:28: It's mine of Claggett thanks hootie's was only about Insider the Charlotte a birdie this thing is headed silly.

00:20:39: Does he fly give a shiny for any member state agency so that's nice everyone have enough for forgot the stupid thing is all the way over here.

00:20:49: Others keep the load to the active and the muscle gain of the escalating fortune on the club it in there and you gonna put on my off can find us without being harmed by get updated yeah like me.

00:21:01: Why a man would still happen Harlan my moods okay got some silly the wooster's to,

00:21:10: that's this is not my moods cup I'll see a problem you think about one Ms to make love with Emma let's hear it yeah,

00:21:17: comes out it'll be perfectly and here for mankind her 39 if you have nose and tallest except have a very Typical Gamer that's why,

00:21:26: yeah can upload icon tap water and Sky it's pretty good makeup water to this is for money boy maybe it is hurting me.

00:21:38: How do you advise that money boy let's see walk in the trap house kitchen all silver coat on group or put a gamer,

00:21:44: The Entity was done like a boat cut off a part of the amphibian okay A little help me select yeah I can probably put you in flew thick makeup water.

00:21:56: Huh essentially cut off equipment return result in Evergreen of man glass Nutella 11 canvas.

00:22:05: This this one thing this for streets and between e Lord indeed I was going to tell her glass active house bluffing.

00:22:13: So maassluis name on ourselves and against in Canada.

00:22:18: Defense of every key has a moon Fallen with hello let's pop and clip this Shawn guy it's only Thunder login Rotella often board they should put her too.

00:22:29: This is Sister.

00:22:32: The way to go through Tim and then drop my Dinoco he uses heat and unhappiness spider sure my money Halloween top if it goes left,

00:22:41: mid everything it's like it's he gets minds and I'm kind of finding its world I didn't capture didn't but it's get should I back up nine Channel tell if it sells Indian me up Sheldon,

00:22:53: good night language being yeah good one my my story time I was learning about filthy.

00:23:02: Evading the Titan that's really fun here in Deutschland we have a damages on fuhrer.

00:23:10: Yeah Hitler so undertale is only naam Hitler gets under Stalin.

00:23:17: Vile T th not see film complex in ostrava and insulted symbols Hospital gamble in an archetype not,

00:23:27: do not cut I finish 100 visitor then hunt hit like an engineer of the modalities nom goofin.

00:23:34: On this fund the post and other diseases fuel from the Silver Shield on the one side supplied equals will in the future,

00:23:44: that's it exactly merely ministerial that the outside time these environments I'm going to film in a Shine by it like an ant head,

00:23:54: done would not sell the heritage project in Helsinki on the torture Consulate in top here,

00:24:01: everyone that I've talked isn't using colleague asked for it simmer until the Houston The Man his top bunk.

00:24:10: The finish a farmer goes Hadler undone.

00:24:16: What up to Stockton Thai people to get the water as a being polite into storage and I hear something is fabulous.

00:24:24: Only plug bit until a few months and farm on the lymph intersection point would you do.

00:24:30: Hitler of his inventions I muted at yard Garden women would sooner he's older he's shaky,

00:24:39: Devon at in 70 CE a client by hit like a nun but I remember when I kissed Jason had selected for tonight I'm going home and it's a pill.

00:24:52: Yeah BP to the kind of tick tock to also this device and.

00:24:58: Yeah well that's not what I was wanting to say that Thomas picks up once I tried rice donkey Visa result the entrails they hear the Markham.

00:25:08: Come off the wound in view of development are all right now British passport made like an inclined Christ in certain accuracy WGBH Peters over the English language.

00:25:19: Does seem that infinite often zaka gangs and crazy.

00:25:23: Cuss or don't believe that Hitler as it happens in my liver take that leap day or no Finn.

00:25:31: Colombian Indian medicine they won't basement they still won't sleep chamber and special email discussion is also toured solder the Armory strikes out of there look at the eye doctors.

00:25:47: For mood,

00:25:49: UND so to mine yet it's my Knuckles that as a couch telling for other Foods perfect sphere dry dry offensive or defensive,

00:26:03: mmm defensive exactly multi-million second by deposits you want an easy mankulam for.

00:26:13: 12 odd Gucci by my country,

00:26:34: yeah I know fun the middle phase speed and Stephan kills anchor,

00:26:41: yeah it's 12:30 fit in and finding it will render the sun tea light in a mother has no Mi Amore life insignificant it's Halloween guys are from you know.

00:26:54: Yeah Constantine the Roush was the comic Lucilla.

00:26:58: Just kind of knew from over yeah good and slot on Ibrahimovic it links fun and Perez that was allegedly soda,

00:27:06: Dass hon Ibrahimovic oh yeah this is Ted stuff to sue life to pick eyes their business phileas Thrifty here is my Vita cancel Lionel Messi,

00:27:20: that's cool kids Lionel Messi of heart I'm fine yeah good fine almond milk and stew I got infinite Dortmund,

00:27:34: that's a Zonk overlooking some cake.

00:27:42: I didn't Taylor just calling is I really just say what I think he said it again you might possess this does he talk to this of us,

00:27:51: what is most human up Casey GitHub yeah yeah but it must be apprised of has advised the first year the sinuses happen the reason gag for the ride edema Alpha minus start elf,

00:28:02: because the Nam on and it's the ignition fog is that citizens either style policeman sir bigger Club just fully loaded now does follow Racine.

00:28:13: Cast and crew sound UPS like this kind of concern is completely filtered cops paranoid.

00:28:21: Okay one final for The Wiz do fleeton funked it.

00:28:26: My studio in there advised Frito little funky yeah.

00:28:36: Mega offense sport laws.

00:28:42: It's so important so vaguely yes but by the Pythagorean theorem was for them to see I can loaded with react with an additional,

00:28:51: in distributing service click bannermen and in David offended in the loan think any shown for him God said I guess and the offer but I did would it mashing it CI Linda of sport.

00:29:10: Buddha as a hotel most decide against the wind that Schmitt and wooden were turned in India building.

00:29:24: Fuss of two islands acts as an incompleteness that Stan were Austin were turned in on their building comes.

00:29:32: Thanks to you most of closet I understand 49 is.

00:29:39: Type of little man and slot in there in there in there in town.

00:29:48: There's a demon 4 seconds that's the fakest yep.

00:29:58: Yeah but they didn't in the intervening regards of rotate does India is MB week,

00:30:06: yeah this is a kind of nuts yeah I would have a spitak 91's kinds that is yet to be two class periods of the app converter.

00:30:16: What kinds of big guys that's.

00:30:21: So I'm gonna two flights because of its victims because the Nazis are loosening gusta El 14 winter I drove specifically if I give it enough - be in my house that was led and I really think,

00:30:33: stop it King zombies,

00:30:37: - has he said so sweetly Smith he hits off my smarts but I'll tell you this no nothing is hellovenus happy not haughty show cute equal exponentially hard enough time to come,

00:30:52: what am I meant to vote on performs and Cupid some Coon support for vendor,

00:30:57: well they can get an import the Legends it's crazy and first I will Chris put something else you're hiding nasty as my doctor told me I better their army might not see anything exhibit,

00:31:10: with potential is V guitar and I'm based on who got the oscar-nominated actress Roxy.

00:31:15: But Halloween could put you by mmm Yep this was minding.

00:31:22: Can also cause lick be inclusive and apropos.

00:31:30: That's not because I feel most.

00:31:33: What is the who flew Beyond housing man asked him the other one so annoyed wouldn't want quality dish here.

00:31:42: Easy yeah yeah can Weinstein.

00:31:49: Vincent Lee passed K because good is on never change a winning team is it with him sound course foreign country Warden they've ever made him sort of it around again yeah and even my guns Eastern unheard,

00:32:03: hands are going to be kept small cell phone younger that's just my new podcast for you at yeah - my heinie the Smithy me back I'm done is this others I'm entire life,

00:32:14: Kevin brings p.m. Ferguson me and whom the answers do not see forested Road.

00:32:20: Ashland thanking Man of Mine brainstorming and next episode next of all very hush-hush locking cap that actually gets an ocean planet spread,

00:32:29: so in between Physicians minor I love music presentation fun family events leaves will have partied and anger in a house fire hmm.

00:32:39: Begin its ending recoil give tsts notes doesn't then definitely undone of my foot set of the negative of this contently Emmanuel critique.

00:32:53: You're wrong that was the sales would bring the script of might not have thought of oil drizzle falls into Britain huh men's in good truth / still louder if a bright note here New Orleans that's fast.

00:33:07: Nick's this Josh on deck and making him calendar gifts will Mi the English potential for Gambit necklace on sura,

00:33:21: oh hi everybody I know that interval training into doing this.

00:33:26: Potential sarcastic and help me with the technology of unimportant fun and I am damn it is this Urban Indian Health Care hi-hat finicky visit side.

00:33:36: As if your podcast superhuman so steady.

00:33:40: And I'm it Ava wanted everything with this kind of it's super Indian market discount technique for splashing this one definitely is a steamer in phallic yeah good.

00:33:52: Two men but my so I did not immediately go Oh it is Champions League the very form of iron cooking book is really about help me,

00:34:01: dude owned and so uncertain firstly your the beach with you professionally since last I'll work with her.

00:34:13: My son's life does must dismiss you know you know thinking of Champions League cooking and done like really.

00:34:23: Good thinking.

00:34:26: So we have if I cut this isn't he Tinker mmm God it didn't have a freak chattering cahooting soba need will Winterthur went through The Long Winter nights over.

00:34:40: Does does Miss Addison.

00:34:43: Yeah good 10-man cell is fine fine tip gives hide Schmidt's the winter is pi/4 pruned highest and Cafe in the diet keeping the mid-body schmancy madsen's Avenue from Glen beetroot a little bit of Olivia,

00:34:57: I've also been which is this is your position that can needs Chief in kapkan Cafe made so how they can smug man she's what.

00:35:07: Yeah good Thurman good I must in diesem Center over the years whoever fears loss for shopping and animals Nick silver hematite.

00:35:20: Instead of us for example Z or the icing and Lasting hands to Mohammed Ahmed lungs no audio that I is cream that is Alice,

00:35:30: singing not good they shot my messy so finding Max Alec would fly past Messer.

00:35:40: Alyce Caron.

00:35:43: Music.

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