Auf nach Sri Lanka?!


Ist Sri Lanka zu empfehlen? Schmecken die Tortellini von Lidl? Und was ist endlich ab 1. August erhältlich? Dies und vieles mehr in Episode 37.

Transkript anzeigen

00:00:00: Lacht devil the podcast updated version click but I'll do it.

00:00:05: Music.

00:00:38: Heads will come to Rick swear follett's an episode of Hoarders on my browser it will emit Tillman the man isn't he gets there,

00:00:49: it's super hot if we Mortals that's actually the name hot Crazy Life of Nur,

00:00:55: yeah if you liked it go kill them off and on Direct who yeah this is going to be showing up easy peasy lemon squeezy nothing leadership and Pakistan position,

00:01:07: hi Ike it's the mustard I'll put H bond between a man and a woman you show me the iron tomb from the band Fun is.

00:01:18: Ivana.

00:01:21: Did I tell anybody at lunch Bond function it off body heat so shine bar,

00:01:32: the coffee machine managed to get me and the girls thinking invited to can be copy machine in the.

00:01:40: Because ocean avoid that Phoenix will commit adultery Bond pushed by analyzing ute,

00:01:49: under W my gosh but it's dark and cold like a cooler script and meeting space Viking expose really was none other than Anna yeah mrs. auction Vida a list view to bomb.

00:02:02: That this problem is a result the board moment on the cells and all files this come against and comes before its roots from Oaxaca words for ya this is garnished I'ma,

00:02:13: Bobby's options like minded silence lacks I did ever heard em Goin Italian wouldn't ask much as a water than the highest attack side begin their outside and I'm going to get messy,

00:02:26: silence well guess them food see combat by card.

00:02:31: It's cos that's supposed to do you also do this damn it he's over here you go a few teeth sideways it I don't feel it it's fine for you t as in the center of my nose he clicks.

00:02:43: Republicans own again.

00:02:47: Coffee people guest and I followed some ribbons work you love me it's for the shoulders down here it's a big lie,

00:02:57: you're good as soon as L eat the water let's do a sharp ellipta be furious at me or it still needs to intensive talk about slots and promoted by mention.

00:03:08: Deal.

00:03:10: Abba did kind of these recipes things other firefighters died Maya is you departed for the drilling for Bushido.

00:03:20: The it important your own partner Uncle Ben Gunn will Schreiber up feminism kindled a had come and fatigue,

00:03:28: and it you Department shaft from bullies president the untrodden yes oh nothing I'm pushy to return of how diversity animal here.

00:03:39: Fishy it's getting its continue click taught as a prism audiences frank-walter steinmeier for an injunction try the union party.

00:03:49: Vivid advice seem kinda so impressed he was with her for not for not find Calder Stan made and even parts of it I'm not that kind now can contact.

00:04:04: Really fit to Peggy I want to instill in World of Warcraft pushy don't fight her.

00:04:10: Because I do fall asleep anxiety stress tough on Sarah Connor this was the button pops tension as it may not be seen any kind very sang untouched actually he called me I was pretty modem cable,

00:04:23: this Gap went inside for doesn't seem fruits in the other give reasons I'd would you Biden Tom as he simply who's pushed below say yes Marshall from are so wearable of time.

00:04:34: So on too much PD thousand but she developed by the blizzard who is in tourism.

00:04:43: What up for meet him pick a logger boom is there is very little to finish,

00:04:50: did have some pro-4x pyrimidines we got fired at it 10 corner but admit it material to them only drop my bedroom View.

00:04:59: That's awesome,

00:05:00: it's fun once we seal of God damn it Cass maybe something else is usually found asleep man has its own large device to Silicon device to Sarah Connor by my blunt this is so when let's turn to thing it's just a thing yeah,

00:05:16: let's try to get up my mind but my not taunt him what could would have else.

00:05:20: Sarah Connor oh mankind is how satanic symbol a meter with pushes herself for one does my brother will transfer biopharm Woman's Worth um did you find this.

00:05:31: He's a modeling sponsor Avenue has become funding.

00:05:35: Plus the service this community only fertile you're probably feeling really sick is when she looks in its fish that,

00:05:43: it's being this and I'm totally useful inspirational - man in cap feel if a browser as a good process feel it's fine.

00:05:52: I'm mild if you kiss the tortellini for leader you kind of funny today yeah you should make me really happy he's a mistake fine.

00:06:02: It's been totally I get nourishment not ricotta Alexander you're finished building even ask I enjoyed for Boonton spinach ricotta from the riverbeds / Yuma angulation kilo packing the hole.

00:06:16: Hold on,

00:06:19: jumping on the ultimate is being able to enhance an activist for good our love otherwise it is like becau families are two blood compact bone.

00:06:29: If you make a call from this family puts your I need protein.

00:06:36: Yeah I need parking and animal toys,

00:06:40: built by me heads of Western Ibaka crazy this is about a quarter step back home,

00:06:48: like a barbecue sauce is good can come here like maximum slide in Vice and stuff illegal things past and asked and asked and gives noise sets.

00:06:59: Cool observation going to be 10 that's why I'm an IT staff writer for no Beam on and then gets the shift from the in person out there guys,

00:07:13: it was closer than trying to get its constitutional Able by get some new clothes,

00:07:18: but in Starfighter is Mission Forbush dealt look-see early dinner with mission for which the education plans really.

00:07:27: If you never respond this is what it is Sensei but of powder the necessarily be the outbound is this guy's computer can lessen of partners that still evidence I got me off - it has guides the,

00:07:39: no key in the opening film fit into hula hooping finding m,

00:07:44: it's Buchanan he's on my palsy if you're born in August night I are neither,

00:07:51: God's I dang I bought my envelope well I can tell by the name Philip Philip easier in president in Paris France he Lanka there stood a moment earlier.

00:08:04: Oh nice of Mizuki I couldn't stay here when price went in potential husband about a kiss is what I seek is going to shave and son so calm,

00:08:13: their state of often led to the responsive design file doesn't swim willingly that man's anguish after an exact model clip that do else.

00:08:24: It's Mitchell appeared on President plus fancy Lanka of the discounts or hold a design this view are still karate expert.

00:08:32: It's no president I think that's bad news dude finds a dolphin on Water Street,

00:08:38: since killing his fourth year as artists is a insecurity.

00:08:43: Oh man yeah toilet pool Fitness Studio depth episode 9 and cock least do you hear that that's it,

00:08:54: that's another ghost longer pump better it's very much system environment and easily control using Al you reach this.

00:09:03: Fullerton drama is when a cigarette.

00:09:08: Sri Lanka it can suggest yeah as Venom it's so hot in Zama infant mile.

00:09:14: Because I also need comprised million to hunch that the Bahamas on post-fire up now don't run over my lose my could be right back on.

00:09:24: Yeah yeah so how did you guys like together I don't know whose music is put a fresh point on under weeks is first in turmoil.

00:09:34: I'm feeling from.

00:09:36: Kaiser people last podcast good it had best be seen wiggle have built a tolerant feeling inspired us we have had several government has he M CFE lunch or moment on and that is my suede energy.

00:09:51: I'm uh love ird their file from carpool is Sunita kubark honest and he just lets us here at least some of the finest,

00:10:02: one ton of YouTube channel fanarts at least 50 conch the dog weapon Laden,

00:10:10: would eat sometime it's so tight Tyler yeah we kept everything about Vision Focus longer but,

00:10:16: this hotel was insane zombie of media fiance I carried a meat cleaver and interviewed as it did,

00:10:25: Active network communication Services that's the rule that says he also knows about us is also since I love fist gonna and I should have put another anguish provincial yoga man cause you don't really care for his,

00:10:39: yeah that's fun build its height and other others it's him film come on my,

00:10:45: I'm from definite Michaels nose on my policy to be mine I'm gonna be next inestimable douche.

00:10:52: Cook an artichoke was slapping been turned off by the heatsink Susan early good,

00:10:59: that come in the same time that was some angel of man shall now it's crickets the automobiles I'm thinking wait a moment on victory speech laugh.

00:11:07: Is any four of us get home but it doesn't just leave my batter hits a slick big bag and then done step by here after the foul odor,

00:11:16: I'm good I'm a lunatic us yeah they're spotless awesome.

00:11:24: The defense the of poopy diapers are in a full screen that soon and I can't work so I often in Delhi.

00:11:33: Cancel all my good intentions in this box and type II nobody but you from censorship enhancing Lila.

00:11:39: Yeah that's just SI Glee actor first do this because we love garlic Society of light is this little bit of a guesstimate discussion will be better this is so caught fish Lake.

00:11:51: Let's get keep in mind towards this I think I found on the cooler but not Festival events like bananas fast ultimate one vary from being the spastic sister shoes on suspect in Texas movement exercise to consider I can't have.

00:12:04: There is things would like to defer guess is when some part about of mellanox the about here there is language in tishka file,

00:12:13: yeah first word problems but that's all it's a special techniques the Arabic light and was here thanks bye - we could have a little light lunch too.

00:12:23: What does things we do has an effect on a fabulous Mansion of folks fasten the lawyer can eat a list Wendy band this kept my doors sadly in folks Fest in the next 100 our Heavenly bed the powers about,

00:12:36: that should be loaded here but making the alleged splits that they keep and the lansing's delighted the insides it's sooner.

00:12:44: As you can see this because one has a leak in Philly.

00:12:47: Holy feels like really is like cotton select weekly yeah it's already I'm ikon's I'm good I was right.

00:12:58: That's awesome yeah good to my Nemesis isn't snow so you have not aged a bit disappointed happy food in bulk and it may well become the let's rock the inflammation.

00:13:12: Gotten them off you ripped off the pie maker project and advancing it rim.

00:13:22: Must be best mates that's what I've already clicked pieces keep his inclined plane pop-up Store buy me a nice toss.

00:13:28: The cosmic tape is it so the house will not a telephone nude when the his suit c m formulas landlords begun,

00:13:37: it's identical energy has done what the Husky shaft,

00:13:41: it's a only completed traffic to plug in Infinity of 224 by become yeah this is amazing I think it looks a lot or not great so nothing's not get my gas bill currently providing effective I'm a knocking slow,

00:13:53: yep that's me once I got how you can be how can get eaten.

00:13:57: I've been back here and you know it's really nice having on Roman soil presiding shown their boots not so bad if a PC I mean it's not so try this problem.

00:14:10: Can't come through someone's legs in these are no no Rudy Dragon about Reba a natural tan that after another tank their arms with house.

00:14:17: Yeah I'll send over things as I want I to CS it to my super 2017.

00:14:25: And who do you think love is actually love Giancarlo if some reason can't sleep either room for an army of water and thankful they're undergoing a party I'm a lockers.

00:14:36: I don't know this is it with me off that some of us is metalloid.

00:14:40: Albumin yeah moments hundred zi field they have a Beloit Toronto makes Seth is a transcript from the stick and I can add a route hide,

00:14:54: I'm folk dimensions and Iva to skate by Leila Lucent Veta of Fuji underwear,

00:15:04: gives you the illusion of the first pitch from year 2000 we let's abortion uh yeah um time in total it's this interesting fog like them up that people it's I-84 that's the style expert in the than those hacking,

00:15:19: bye Dickinson activist and politician anti-gang Wendy Linen in finger and Herman hazard.

00:15:27: Elizabeth symbol if you do ever since those mrs. Horgan.

00:15:32: Would I ever consider making fun but in terms of a total estimate while talking as long as it's in City complex for cool.

00:15:40: As a longer than it was in it and then just tear up on sale but I did it so I can see crazy of Ali nucleophile so that's motivated work for cc Korea's gross man.

00:15:50: These words will be Lloyd concern of the Kegel Buddha for mother,

00:15:55: Dee Da this hotel up you fucking top muscle we're simpatico Young's this impede our fights,

00:16:01: yeah I miss you a lot wider even nothing but now School season maybe I'm just dumb cartoon outside and yet since Aveda,

00:16:14: fight.

00:16:17: Yeah it's one thing point in the lesson of no to Delilah anjuman but it's multiple clusters in virtually either I'd say the number two's a movie I'm things to do.

00:16:30: Cold yeah group called and yeah Sons happy I English.

00:16:39: Do not come back there for her and say why is this dashed right onto the bar on the empty button.

00:16:48: Come here baby duck calls ackman's all looks like we don't need any it was actually that yeah Skippy like a no solos question accumulating BMI stand closer to cut off inside this.

00:17:04: Yeah you gotta send Katie put me in a tight hug first good job they so can keep this promise is for me I'll get there,

00:17:12: open Digital of light above the like a snake he got bit by the iodine a moment hello glaucoma.

00:17:18: Yeah I'll take a cube until next year 11:05 feed and decision.

00:17:25: That's my man card basement someone look glowy skin out AA hula.

00:17:34: It Twitter talking about real musician could send them to them shiz up of Steel Magnolia Seagal hopes of the loop Shepherd yep we have Twitter light up look here you can see it's me here.

00:17:45: It's been that's nice or.

00:17:48: Up-to-date it's a very enlightened I didn't complain parcel show your Sunday on the Continuum of hardness as opposed to keep momentum a club team can put the dots together.

00:18:01: The other thing that I tell you already can see here but except ye be someone pretty botnets it I would like my knowledge known boost monster gets you like some complex falling.

00:18:12: Yeah it's good to inform that love has happened Enoch should smoke from if you're interested buyers will be so Garnet is why I'm November sinofsky popular yeah it's point my little effect on the theater and this is your first big idea here.

00:18:28: I just love for a long - not my not my traumatic events funny crack and matter about his Clique up of him now minor multimatic to the moment and kind of make him sign,

00:18:37: yeah it's just got Manhattan Enoch should funding information hurricane expand that kind of into everyday I think it's amazing.

00:18:47: Now you haven't seen AA blocked on flight Captain easier Vida really soon yeah it's by one I have to mark this means that if 50 fuck bro.

00:18:58: I don't mind the wood a lot of these cancel oil used to ask them look here and pretty super I'm not sure that can't leave my sound as I met lockdown come here the it if we are.

00:19:08: That's here ocean best as always you can trust everybody sort of thinks is called double Pirates Ellie can you come in right even a late night show.

00:19:17: DM YouTube comes to restart Nia is very often from the money ready for the campus crows as soon but the tell you up either campus grew by the medieval I'll see you here this comes this this video.

00:19:32: Come with me fingers on the postman hundreds of plant for many late-night shows to through there's nothing Valley has been that I'm not leaving I'm assuming the shooter protocol I've got going for it.

00:19:44: It's in decline in with evil intent to join the Korsakoff even give us a chance to go get some tacos in the garden but it's an excited he's picky but I was at second-guessing undone I just live with my nose should quit it,

00:19:58: Mister we don't have not seen Bo and I am flushable Uber few language tripod compensate and I'm crucial between robot incident you should could have so many barbecues was a bit 12 lumens next time Charlie,

00:20:12: Hmm this thing William Oliver took a photo when a potential basis as opposed to stash my run.

00:20:19: Put up next to to be funny towards mini yeah good to Manhattan of what's really unleash Club that's a litany,

00:20:32: he's have English often smell like milk at the knowledge how do you know it will be improved.

00:20:38: About Diaz from your fluting ago this Valley so Vistas bundles on.

00:20:45: No I just wanted bench to me of created I mean basically make his bar is being even economically streets big even one flight down to maybe ribbon big exact someone locked Esposito Tower savini actual Alice.

00:21:01: Look to others for the hill Instagram profile happy snow.

00:21:08: Catalogue of it all the time hi Steve Howe.

00:21:13: Yeah it was nice to see a lighter and a cruise.

00:21:20: Victimization partition was medically opportunity to give it could allow it then put it down accrues loiter miconia Shrine means equals in soil,

00:21:29: figured I'd save money to see investment data combined does subsequent sent their loyalty is Accused signed a contract signed,

00:21:36: yet I have it was admitted as soon as you feel time when it was uncool,

00:21:42: love inside monks or someone calls for the meeting your man Christian yeah because idea for this auction is fast project capped Other Side Advance your old costs on this fast fundamentalist targets only cleared okay thank you.

00:21:55: They kept this VST audio reactive is that silly a sweet so fast / B EQ is now about 15 I like at 10 over 2 times sake see him anymore,

00:22:06: Kristen come I could inflict screen so it was closed because you looked like I don't even know if you should know my body's fine he's engaging it's not increasing gag.

00:22:17: He isn't getting faster than this Waters infectious,

00:22:22: mesons English as it heads to the moment when it's my Hast.

00:22:31: That's because nothing I was sweet music by me posted you'll be honest with you Neva Tang the mathematics the volcano man fire back,

00:22:39: before an exorbitant Paloma Alice up and done it some oppose it now there's not money politics here that's what it's running to give to be the truth comes that environment knowing stick a shine lie,

00:22:52: it was about auction Market son condition.

00:22:56: My employment ski Lanka off good consult sinuses annoyed Sidekicks moves but as its template then lastly isentropic the actual Villa and so yeah it's kind of a jewelry cleaner kind of Fades in big sign see see here boy.

00:23:11: Bourbon vanilla extract these are my pals generated it's been chronic from Sri Lanka and on.

00:23:21: Looks like they went through it and inject one would buy milk at this hour.

00:23:27: Sorry and the show doesn't like like the ocean you know yeah it's not what I tell you straight couldn't boom sponsored in water of now be given this weather,

00:23:36: if I'm your cousin armed be in the clinic is output is on a disk is awful is often sold in a full-scale to wonder was it.

00:23:47: Exactly this is very good mood is convenient Desta I know wouldn't understand circumstance where they're like like she dead.

00:23:54: Yeah and Rosa podcast as usual Becky canceled believes that the candy cook often as well let's embark on a lie would tell Phil and I should have zagged cruel to wisely yep that's a little different from my middle notes Here,

00:24:08: Deluxe Amber and I'm born and then the night long but you know I'm Simone currently schlup my leukemia like Hood which is losing its only belovedness you have the fungi to Pretoria that would ability Festival of grabbing dinner,

00:24:21: excuse me next type of cover is one moment here,

00:24:26: one day Thomas needs positivity you could 1056 thresh complex created yeah yeah - it in the nuts by students laughing undone.

00:24:39: I mean 5,000 reasonable Contender that's a Stickman,

00:24:46: every single day and one day only and I get pumped about how to master not party owner if it's the parking lot of liquids,

00:24:55: it's fun to sit in open of them shift offensive vegetable platter up his younger who taught me to schweiger.

00:25:04: This is okay it's what's for lunch break and let's make it one more time it is or as a flute and in Fitness Studios these are very popular so this is can't discuss this consumed for it because it didn't say it since it's not in here again.

00:25:20: Easy covid is this new bird back after getting us tick tock on the bus world as it is to say is you have written a book little bit but that one off can find this is just really tight but I really have put man.

00:25:32: And that's why it isn't a leak like I was this Cameo kind of see this is me I'll be showing I like Life Goes On.

00:25:41: This photo take some uncooked Miss top miserable and simply they diversify social turmoil to only deeper zones and didn't like loose you must contemplate files this is my in a market like my whiskey,

00:25:52: how does this smell of confine of him John read this on a little high for some time unless of course his final report to him yeah,

00:26:00: that's the district would say it was too angry loser,

00:26:04: the only thinking now of the help is super strength it's offered me a little life is miserable it's like if this were a little late for the airport result reason fruits are cop forbidden one.

00:26:16: So mickeymo is it yeah well done this paste the Benzene and you know Sonic and Sega Heinz ketchup and hub the human be lockers it somebody catch a knife of bezel wounded highlights punt no been highlights head.

00:26:30: But this Fashions wilting voltmeter in a Box 3.0 ha doesn't your Pursuit.

00:26:35: Everything backwards sorry for taking your time they left me there oh ha this can Nick men all done I mean Peter mine,

00:26:45: - student give it to submit it safe Mick made several episodes while the start method mission in England tell me this way.

00:26:54: Finding my denotes wife or nickel even some states my game item under an acre as a question maybe business you know stocks it be that's the is like Titan by the glowing eyes,

00:27:05: came a long handle of deposit boxes this is a good place to come on undone that we also Young's can be home.

00:27:16: Yeah but I'm totally yeah it's advice is Nick after C can derail a look like y'all sound is something to someone that me,

00:27:24: I guess about a fool of me doc says an overdose of problem which people would really gets give up the street from both never know if you don't know it,

00:27:34: but it's real is really son.

00:27:36: Customers Festival a human's motivation people spend feeling for another guy yeah die little punk bookmarklet him to understand them abstain from foods and CM under smartphones was exist to have another baby it was table tops and arson it's the smile.

00:27:51: It's not smart but he probably meant who.

00:27:55: Yeah yeah the bonus Lance was definitely shouldn't be attacking the enemies in disgust ahead,

00:28:03: that's not a rule it's a smoothie.

00:28:07: No he's like oh my sweet Kobe beef asked me to open it was a thousand BC M opened up in the studios but I am I cook would invite Lauren Adams is better than lunch boxes open the fireman there's a lot of kids up the episode Adana but.

00:28:23: Yeah and then there's a pause it I do that is a nigga's Kabul,

00:28:29: that's kind of out of it can I come in yeah good team and obviously I'm funny mood to Scott tunes for longest me Aditya tournament at this price.

00:28:42: What this Meetup good thing my number is paying for never even a slick move on.

00:28:51: Phoenix Open de Bono and Easton don't see smart.

00:28:57: I'm sake him stadion in the Clover here in Derby mmm,

00:29:03: true then the Frank - that's a big move comes as a first I tip nothing sexual pets a topic is fated fuzzy and my tip rhino ljungberg.

00:29:15: Mine tip finds food that can really see what kind of my.

00:29:21: 10,000 level in over this thing.

00:29:28: I know I will say moreover it has been socially okay.

00:29:34: The kind of um simply a podcast giving it written as I was as I said podcasters in English pewter.

00:29:42: That will forget Milo Smith Light human things and to give off I'm smiling quit yakking.

00:29:49: Dance with him team are bare bone as a sum of its table tennis,

00:29:55: hip-hop every part my God puts muscle yeah it's many and a thousand men shouting but this is him a DVD up to shore leave and then often ambulance here the exhaust.

00:30:06: Besides be a nobody ball hit silver didn't Papa bouba it's all,

00:30:12: they're going to my done a good GG a good a better home you have absolutely that's a legumes unfound Canada and her neurons,

00:30:21: garbled voice left years I'd mmm cheese.

00:30:25: Music.

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