

7/8 oder doch 3/4? Wie geht es der Sprache Latein? Und welches Satzzeichen ist besonders cool? Dies und vieles mehr in Episode 29.

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00:00:00: Lacht devil look at podcast application clickable dot was podcast gift.

00:00:05: Music.

00:00:37: Yeah hello and had s come to look doesn't be a Vida how it should be done with it Tillman hello Tillman would get such become complete the podcast which lands,

00:00:49: healthy and failure in we are Alice,

00:00:54: for human diet either as for you mr. by Anton Melissa's.

00:01:02: So far so good you being lenders are doing so far so good,

00:01:06: are the Loft I'ma get Hands-On suction in summer the artifacts and take you from somewhere Sky two units guns off it sells accept you should also follow from the air sizer.

00:01:20: Honest face thousand but he the pegida be vegan.

00:01:25: Costly dish y spared from the stern Revival of Ovens of a skeptic and from there you have to phone me as his child I'm done thick ice mint and easily create for cops.

00:01:40: Yeah very good food but I'm it compiles habit as medical examiner says if we escape siphoning that filling up his act everybody its direct summer.

00:01:49: This week's been working Saturday apps.

00:01:52: You have you have to have internal teams it's not extremely deep Tava event has authorized a certain code they're happy healthy life mind if I get a PhD students automatic cuts a wholesome.

00:02:05: This m b whiskey Pete hmm thank you as a Mikvah also could see who's in these potholes and Ankara also and Susie mock loaded rifle you sure.

00:02:17: But that is a really good talk about this aesthetically.

00:02:25: Yeah I suppose it's something you get 14 of okay it's not acceptable yeah.

00:02:32: Up Congress is of course against all those / czi daddy finds about active no fence look new line is.

00:02:52: Codes in the zika can you quote some horizontal field in Nevada and I'll talk at least another spot wasn't sure undercooked fish boy band leader was a little I was on top of your kind of Quiznos,

00:03:06: supposed to hit these this is master bathroom Suite your full schedule of bedraggled Court's order asking fans day he must have country is good to him in India team attic,

00:03:18: compromise you have I him General Shan power move as recognition fathom cool our Cena versus head of Eros numberphile,

00:03:26: some quotes on - great jumping possessed a trick such shoddy Bakula's Kittleson piyo piyo Steel.

00:03:33: So there must be bleep for Byron this is a technique cool Deb plumes of and then,

00:03:39: the exoteric the study filter wheel is Saturday November to Hawaii himself to a strict often piston-powered Nabi cover at least forget,

00:03:49: hey we on high set and so standard I could swag have a good time and asses to the wall Hollis The Walker River and decked it take take up,

00:04:00: I can't even give inaudible a consistent life.

00:04:06: This puns are not one yep pretty bad with a few already full time to notice the to Dish it spun Sundance why not,

00:04:16: coconuts are not energy court or any court for 4K that if the end of this transistor wounded for SLI a small stem that old barn,

00:04:25: between your girls would Excel plan,

00:04:27: wouldn't yet stop systolic's 90 long area for Powerball wood stove I could sell it since you were a few thousands the entire be funding.

00:04:36: This is feel very certain correct provides come back the water bit material particle nerve cells cumulative over pants on us right now,

00:04:47: I'm greeted has a shy but we can't sell it so these shorts Mass numbers are exactly front fog and this is.

00:04:55: : fuzzy updated application it would in the middle a builder and Sean come on Xena Helene's with so that's the next award is the speak a word,

00:05:04: fuck the plants PD condition began in Canada these are the Festival of who's an asphalt said let's face it is best that you had measure marker go to see but he's ICBM.

00:05:18: The best beers the schwarzbier was this pasta to not this fight is appear beside him is almost a shot there.

00:05:27: It was cleared space in here - kind of Sonia looks cool City.

00:05:34: Yeah it is cool it's the ti a by Ma shut off quit mess anything steer.

00:05:44: It's prepared and his trusted on own attacks the only impacts AKA of English the honey badger Nation.

00:06:05: Got an addiction Louisville very sagging Zoo vit many kids on completely lost Affiliates and Puma via but he sang that such harm no good,

00:06:18: yeah mind giving that is,

00:06:22: come on step Bundesliga and Spa hat happiest see Berlin how here and that is presently Felix magath,

00:06:31: there's no other two funds I get there come on and I've often thought how to get a dozen of dings get rid.

00:06:41: But on Zago Kingman house for you really question whether it's like party food.

00:06:46: Does it because the entrepreneur Mansion gift trunk is that such a cloud which will naturally get soaked in Hamburg yeah as a fun fun at the same time and for whom were performed,

00:06:55: done hinge peel so there must eat least / dispute doesn't overtly nothing harder of course depends upon returning books pre-arrival performed here in Stanton and bamboo sticks a gun,

00:07:09: respect and defense as a devaluation cuss,

00:07:12: they should see from has followed a tea from Huerta is if it is long but stealing daddy Putin what did you have at least 90 minutes,

00:07:20: I'm about to embark on a chance encounter metabolize rebirth data but they had defensive its Vision side is totally on the sea ice offense the reason for your backup plan for it for the library vpns in Miami people,

00:07:35: I saw any as an equality bar on fire be Maniacs knowledge like.

00:07:42: Hmm my quizzes idea should you have done happy snorting family ever buys a tiny fish class,

00:07:55: Dustin but I'm leaf.

00:07:59: Me even if Mia as revert site fulfilled as I always have fun Fionna smack rapida up going and in Sciences in from,

00:08:08: shouldn't be building on the infield student gang ends in English Mania and to answer all set so make my nephew married seen some tile.

00:08:18: Congress hawkish sake side you might be long but if I bail Florida Style,

00:08:24: somebody must have this most mandamus format which gangs in this form Diamond face certain helped a lot in temp remove chemical terms of IQ Satsuki veiled,

00:08:35: yeah toppling and loves meat smells their step on these boots are embarking on flights I decreased see the dimensions gear shifter and zeal.

00:08:45: It's even minor ganga and increase course I get it on Zinta tokens really open the end even koftas Amish lady.

00:08:56: Bicycle over the time duration of a specifically version and with the scanning your fortunes well done,

00:09:05: yeah I crushed Ireland in tart in the house now elephants were truly believe that if any guns in some console you'll just them up the hours of carpet ripping.

00:09:15: But I don't want to rest those are all smart lesson,

00:09:19: that's the effect of investment and for no upset if I swear technical Vickie Miner,

00:09:26: shoe loaf pan up there's you can cluster government House of Commons license Natalie has said this is it for come over here first came home you let me kind of through whenever.

00:09:40: Fighting against our usual nourishment 500 and 2000 a house of cards about a true Dimension last year because we already have said they are not McAlister Productions soup box says,

00:09:50: mi mi mi mi mi B you got to follow you up to describe that can either videos of come before him would obviously guitar it's really quite Hefty and I'm looks like smoke,

00:10:00: female team in Windham threshold and I've been a box I come with you think was AA this house from Dallas keuchel volume here this black pencil and equipped Nevada surprise Thunder who knows of Cavanaugh Pluto nobody on a Christian faith I believe it off we talked.

00:10:16: Some the ultrafine.

00:10:21: This being able to take it is very clear to everyone that you should have a nifty 50 off glove by typically hidden not so simple and tricks there but I was shown that's them damn 3D Cartesian computer.

00:10:41: Festival of confided in love with my mind for a nonfat and good team and my schedule I thank you make the seats we figure for adapter of Amazon,

00:10:50: kind of protection between exhibitors the sun has often been 14 bags of flour and if this isn't your luck.

00:10:58: Please welcome David is not because once proclaimed up nothing but shit man you must have surely come nothing.

00:11:07: They have a sustained the infinita of severe yeah passing through that antenna yet I was given a big tin has four words for you do,

00:11:16: ya blew it last all six right a lot is an unhinged few sketches and of low-fat salad.

00:11:23: Classifies phone yeah.

00:11:27: Power shell hit me off because there's often very this Federal Supreme fan brush versus it's also special.

00:11:35: Unfortunately of Christine van Nick to let's build our walls of and climate Finance I love for tile from mine for my new cream I use horse going there.

00:11:47: Feeding infants again it is a fancy girl for Tyler Chloe Freeman survival you want me up at home.

00:11:54: We know how to solve Christine real 10 years and then you apply Nia huh mankind yet sobers up your father thank you for this the homburg.

00:12:05: Because he hit comedy and on Twitter for you know why I'm here call Rona.

00:12:12: Cut My Little Steamer will move for people to see what so for Bible yeah it is a sous-vide it's called the oven poor guy it's the kind of advice from code of isn't any help from he film to Matt Mark and bunker.

00:12:26: Yeah that said yoga pits here by Timur dyskinesia be from kilo cartoon noodle in English there mmm.

00:12:35: On the Emir is kinds of yellow skin if I give up my father's can come with me.

00:12:41: Yeah yeah that's like a job placement conduct a button Sparkle outer but Carlos Carlos had a man is Vida de in the of misguided Obama is re-elected on my new developments better daughter.

00:12:57: Yeah but yet so 62 activists like Bluetooth headphones equal payments yeah.

00:13:06: It's a damn it sign a client intended for the album fleet was of Emma God intended.

00:13:13: Praveen a media firm focused after I figured to the ocean currents yeah it's good it's by sneaky music there's always that way into the oven popping house.

00:13:28: Stockholm comment but I think I finally have a signal Margulies it so happened that specific area sweetie but you certainly look brother whose children on done.

00:13:38: As we co-owner crazy.

00:13:41: Yeah like one has a really creepy that's this man's Vision this is Maya oh man that's legally folks very important business with random Timur,

00:13:53: cup noodles allocation Google is does ice cream that is very good for a bar.

00:13:59: The awesome park ride with her for a few pop-up kedaranatha kids huh this was who.

00:14:06: Yeah well sighs yeah sighs neobux dot study flatten the you go bathroom additional tutorial,

00:14:15: press that helps us look chipper right by the same attorney general's pressures by hand it's it involved busy,

00:14:20: yeah come this team so it's only four different is Tamara my by Turtleman this is of course true and if you steal my Dimension yeah good.

00:14:32: Yet unhappy human controversies team of the executives here my buzz off it seems like the city Afters off the deck,

00:14:42: it's high time I just wanted a spy and illegal kaput carved the door Chief yeah team is nistrim spicy aw Montel Williams at spy elf.

00:14:54: Norman's fancy still has the Bundesliga,

00:14:58: in who are fun time at 6:00 an active Combat 5 million over placated by a nice of plaits buy me diamonds fancy should be learn spy wounded after Bryce accommodates 5 million.

00:15:13: Something about a hundred million in vinegar,

00:15:15: no yes if I get that by adopting I do not lose its Christ and acai Brothers decide to sting so Lewandowski reservist the wouldn't put in their fat cock also know if mr. bobbins yeah I'm speaking of,

00:15:27: that was a crazy click but isn't that Madeline Anderson I'm in Swansea spiele is game of in Schism technically called Loki.

00:15:35: This is Lucia by is it me or has trouble with the stop without cats was filed by the Porsche was making that but examination I'm just running my good is all get of American belief who are no snow.

00:15:49: But give us let's tear the coach Marco kodaka would open 8:30 could slap story,

00:15:57: as far as a nobleman say I just wanna start anything with human defect leave it up there for your voice kamiya thumbs huzzah yeah.

00:16:07: The abduction on its wheel like this yeah,

00:16:14: yeah yeah it was cut some quotes from and take this vegan new done yeah possibility of us ok good yep nice large salad evolving for this smile,

00:16:28: that's it this is it this delivers not side We're Gonna Fill Me Up.

00:16:32: From build YouTube channel Tallis format unless for my niece is a reason yeah do you think I know what is Christian vaishali of year.

00:16:43: I found was this silly thing will happen don't need your knees who under sporting field by present ability version of.

00:16:52: Russ's loss in this land Us in this room soon Walker thinks this book was your tribe of their of the offense trusted American Target,

00:17:04: it's a poker poker but things out,

00:17:07: upshaw's Nom Nom z97 but won't lose in the 1994 and of off Nationals attacks about whatever.

00:17:16: Come for a coffee with of us this far start the I'll upon their County Animal House some kids ID cool don't even react let's put psycho malevich and we,

00:17:26: yeah it had soccer does get stolen we were dashed a Serial buses losing him that big novosti Walker and get so then you know that it you know understands of Nama.

00:17:38: Guys can't finish paint what number is larger in Fulani stand over here wound.

00:17:44: Yeah that's 75 Birds gets archived and made it gets slightly more vital back up that's awesome.

00:17:53: Yeah that happens about Italian Italian film,

00:17:58: and why has he ever situation a person happen next and myself are not my skipped of dinette set EF media teak Natalia bukawai Adele,

00:18:09: no man painful Sigma Nu denisova skip to a stroma and respond by Antigone 14-year CAD cam,

00:18:20: let's finish on shown that in various Distributors have a shovel to internal tool for the executive function has been a beacon of my sister,

00:18:30: through this building's Burger two months far and they are too cool Jesus Ramirez politic Cent percent this actually could be of magazine is secondary Market,

00:18:42: yep come on it's from our two guests and to Cooper Discoverer desertion outfit program here is in home,

00:18:50: this is such a lift up.

00:18:54: Clouds that are touched olicity one almonds I well it's decent on State of Affairs must dissolve fat bucaramanga.

00:19:02: How do I shall develop comfort as a service.

00:19:07: Marco sudama fabricated old fat pad will fire the iPads and hopefully become Muslim,

00:19:17: who is our but because of his pain as the atmosphere Indian president Indian had Alice Alice yeah man the mrs. out of puzzle wins immunity.

00:19:28: It's only like he turns out for that sake look it's okay well it's off the plot Stephenson comes astronaut found invalid work too honestly Martian equally for another Nuclear Power Plant.

00:19:42: Okay Saudi family.

00:19:45: Yeah but the stand okay we are you a suggestion of the universe is a talk with this round fat become from Congo.

00:19:55: Is that silly as a friend so fun.

00:19:58: Is this let's really also resist should be will be faster for installed by gravity levels in the shop buchumi range to Inverness okay,

00:20:08: I understand you have driven past 10 years Keith Urban and endurance will the 55 million business shaft either benign or changes in law in a mathematical engineering production vehicle.

00:20:17: It's an apple sushis of my bus app wound.

00:20:23: Give oil that's been depends used to having my own mention insides of the Fertile foreign city collects your now and then.

00:20:29: Galaxy you know everybody get Mighty did he do funny girls pick by the American on the astronaut the Hosni Cosmonaut when the Arab League and AST galaxionauten maximum yeah good.

00:20:43: Me about facility strike.

00:20:47: Constipation Addison yeah passion pool nowadays passion because I didn't think that when we should be short-term.

00:20:57: So I can you fasten on the Workman comps still attack evening bones you know some pumps,

00:21:05: that's the deal I don't relax video and then human not real expensive here than County from coolers up a louder toilet toilet and it helps told it could invest you guys on love in zuellni rock eater.

00:21:17: It's been its kind of expert about stealing my thunder,

00:21:21: big problem with us through our eyes of the exact science you're pretty busted up juicy lime centers your jockey different pools are pumped through that but it is wished how many does it make light little see that rock,

00:21:35: Fifty Shades initiation like Africans Schwab.

00:21:43: Courage pain is located in junior schools,

00:21:48: Bob Marley enjoy your time Le well guys I'm a time that torch Engineers consta know.

00:21:57: The other decision to visit parallel yeah I have not named for a browser.

00:22:07: He invites what happens exactly how thin filament swag it's the bottle by little and the onions some coffee.

00:22:19: Yeah yeah yeah because India is namely him angry bird.

00:22:25: Screw and moment I see no no it's okay.

00:22:30: Damn cancer set the commented out angle file of hauling coal from wouldn't shh Natalia I'm going to touch it.

00:22:40: It's only a little bit Benjamin anything too unadvised your budget epic this equipment for.

00:22:49: Yeah like I said video but I understood then the angle out flips in the past some Earth will perish on then has some ended swine home,

00:22:56: dead and I'm going to bash your teeth yeah.

00:23:06: This is what that that I'm going to get but again Buddha,

00:23:11: Mitchell book available Beetle are going to try to block equipment or something was less I like to accompany about - it's about passing you tugged on the infield hits multiple treatments her name,

00:23:25: yeah I set it off some has Echoes of as we tape this version.

00:23:31: Quiver like a madman team-building I'll stroke Martin so they almost repressed,

00:23:44: crawfish found Tolleson kariv it does the podcast for you of the video For You video 5 a.m. well yes these are looking excited podcast you just watched and bits.

00:23:59: Commuters hack yeah you'd be inclined was here,

00:24:04: Timmy October so funds for public view of the title Pub yeah does he finds out of one woman.

00:24:18: Bit of us life yeah it's full of to her I'm home your mom cooked.

00:24:28: Oh man Steve associations are idiots like to offer an early example is cognitive of him then fraud this is cool this is that cycle.

00:24:55: This point.

00:25:01: And Jimmy hold on see me hold on yeah if I could sneak me Amanda Sanders systems three-pointer here as this for this is cool this is outside.

00:25:13: That's all I did yet this is exactly a capsule has a code for our country codes in cop killers or device or stray from way I was pursued a negatively pumped I would have pulled.

00:25:27: That's what it was like after prompted shouldn't put a great Assets in statement,

00:25:34: propelled by WhatsApp not a special ceremony of WhatsApp that's animal-based by the 17 a lose an eye Insider 6 important enter the above n done is shown done the neck thinking about who gets the search bars or an exam for bye,

00:25:47: didn't look important Originals.

00:25:50: That's the smell of cargo do we hmm Allison Burgers commission or a comma is cut your holy name.

00:26:00: Job and enough spoons and also fit size you know.

00:26:05: Yeah compile space into a Casey Finley yeah this is what are pumped through a guns through a material to their Palm trucco Lyrica.

00:26:14: Yeah but it's on yeah good stuff it gets an honest man stop it from there I believe it looks messy.

00:26:22: No I like a rocket cycle.

00:26:36: Okay I felt I could say that.

00:26:41: These our own demands of a suspect in a position statement will prompt the important is some some good in distress.

00:26:52: Girlfriend Amanda Lee Carrie Acuna live.

00:26:57: Yeah biggest resource then it's not silly.

00:27:08: No sorry for my cousin spruce tree.

00:27:19: Guys come here 400 because I also got e to the Nakashima Putin to Tatooine.

00:27:28: But this is that's happening that's I can rope see this is hmm the actually happening is not needed step they are both her.

00:27:38: Makani pepperonis and.

00:27:42: It's time qian osteoblasts are obsessed about saves came out to meet us here so we are gonna lot under static flash host of decided that solution minor,

00:27:53: my name is Vicky and Captain Thomas,

00:27:56: company also the highways Killers was in the Box we are kinda like the cinema look a bit missing bizarre and we will pass.

00:28:04: Sometimes anybody will correspond each left needless come on isn't as it is a spooky because they're fine that's ignoring sort of the kind of pool our resources wisely glass big old but it may think okay maybe identify should revise blood circulation finished.

00:28:19: And is this as we're able to distinguish this because Diesel from Walker ground beef that's the decision that said listen it is Linda Hodgdon is shown.

00:28:29: At this point we surely will be up above all be complete cocky smile service video Fancy tomato salsa.

00:28:37: Cuz yeah good Aesthetics pesto.

00:28:43: Me playing space Stone has ricotta from Paris Le this is Guy exactly lots of cool about Bend an ear nose,

00:28:54: agreement parmigiano traditional stock yeah what are these Chaffee water has Calabrese of them,

00:29:04: snuff pepperoni let's move let's get about the school name and him I'll meet him in the motion of pepperoni that's the only thing left is good.

00:29:18: Any clutch barbecue sauce and Philly don't do I fit on my attorney told you neo,

00:29:27: that do have you talking mr. Slaughter Essen say I have all my favorite designers can guess not for Mike to you but that's the fun of Nick's talking about exchanging good time and what specialist.

00:29:41: Your friend Ellie.

00:29:44: Yeah it's actually this habits needs make thing gets crazy exactly tie between outside social are not committing a lock on the fridge to enforce it,

00:29:53: that's what I found outside home me as ordered that's gross,

00:29:58: yeah I'm sure on their husbands don't only bust myths my normal ticket reason.

00:30:04: The speed of the Precision cinematography enough it's almost opinion of English mustard and the creek don't rise like artists huh yeah really has also got in one spot 350 guess and clicks the less or no.

00:30:19: Because I would ask for the did you just quit soon as you get off my man - cancer then run Burns.

00:30:27: Mix The Rocker I've only ever to bring so much fun making fit in finding to her.

00:30:34: Chemicals responsible reputable FaceTime of condom.

00:30:38: Got the important the presents for the kids will start a second line such beautiful plant business had my room 5 and often father thought she could just put on fire attack of the albeit slowly so plans oh.

00:30:50: Fire truck classes for fish Duty technique I'm gonna suck at the moment.

00:31:00: Conjoined Canova,

00:31:02: yeah there's this shift my mind forgets the my Disney Productions resume I will truly Bangladesh Deli counter needs here,

00:31:11: I wish we had not looking and its Cloud killing well good then with this not yet I'm so exhausted yeah Mick Mitzvah of Neiman pipes.

00:31:23: First a loose fitting Monument the implant winter fresh clothes okay then when he opens a Linux the water over the year a month two strikes me it's important to choose.

00:31:37: Music.

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