Solidarität ist keine Einbahnstraße


Wie cool ist Olaf Scholz? Museen oder Regentage? Und wen sollte Deutschland endlich zum ESC schicken? Dies und vieles mehr in Episode 28.

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00:00:00: Lacht devil look at podcast application click people do it.

00:00:05: Music.

00:00:40: The coated soir Madame tactics and episode ocean front it is without da2 man,

00:00:53: it's as good as less can scoot ya its present these producer but not sleep Japanese and in the scripts are going to Alice.

00:01:05: There's almost complete darkness photos come and couldn't even hope for you ever been.

00:01:12: Yep recent Rift of thinly field to know now.

00:01:18: Isn't it easier if you decide you have not life in prison to steam up some antique what's a fun day at the Van Til schweiger Swedish fantastic,

00:01:33: no it's fruits dish me up then you have to know the title will be listed rubbish if you have this ticket slider and poisoned as you namely committing his own fun.

00:01:43: Since Marcus van aanholt shine boxes I mean is.

00:01:48: Arthur I'm going to take water Frontage tiger he talked a frontage by Gaia I think you found in trial and a tie.

00:01:59: I thought yeah,

00:02:05: Luna Luna schweigert it's 88 tested over there this is the Elta study gravity of the stadium Capital before bugs honest yeah my doctor my life but I just thought it was from you,

00:02:20: L demand Kingdom which was visited by Stefan Salvatore I did not like the able to Facebook it was it hard,

00:02:28: so I was uncertain hold up hold up and you know Sky Captain Sparkles from his finger.

00:02:39: Santiago de yes it's so good Charlie could offer them the sport because if you do exactly as amazing podcast they have some good good,

00:02:49: nice club by Prince Max has no fuel,

00:02:52: finish final side even when against Chloe tirek in I cover consumed by in buying just insightful about orange corks not in school exam,

00:03:03: - Brandon thank God my son was assumed which start with a job this is what we've either given or Knoxville earlier oh.

00:03:12: Astute of us yep I'm getting nervous I'm alerting,

00:03:18: B & price of the invalid marketin baked mac invites us invites impressed by this actual of name record ho,

00:03:26: record group is even by the outlets is on Bloomberg sun room yet come cabina call stay with Karina,

00:03:34: instant that corn camera that belt it brings tons of quantity in that IM white White's white Krista exporter and,

00:03:42: Hut and she didn't and the exported to stop them All-Star.

00:03:50: Yeah the spice money as wheat assistant laptop indeed asaba note Wendy Khalifa homecoming crowd still no calls.

00:04:00: You're often really really snakes of can be a guardian that kind of whites of the authenticity that clouds thanks Tim yeah this is Natalie 30 comic personally people of India.

00:04:11: It's Tanya time is what it meant by 20,000 recontact conquered an awesome awesome carnosine Ava I'm of puts Gahan Wilson gang is kind of brilliant.

00:04:25: Like your new look new pretty Lonesome a torturous and to wow that is a slap test Richard Nixon released which concerns and other outside and to Captain solution under second half.

00:04:37: Guys of the descriptive you I find something for you from class that my child's class and Dynasty won't about who to talk to who said,

00:04:45: these it into adulthood of us has was almost a pop fuck yeah fuck yeah I need you to get psyched up for knowing people man of Mainz Mainz vestnik might be really mindful only,

00:04:58: Nick.

00:05:00: Young man Indian copies not going to be given by me is see.

00:05:13: Hums a close-up coolant Bubba Bubba if we had to endure Because by the mood enhancement production at shelter to create unique event yeah I love this was alone.

00:05:24: Activating pack Hydra Dia solidarity it is hard to Target solidarity,

00:05:31: it's kind of einbahnstraße it to the man is kind of invited us what does Yaris Saigon for my solidarity checking what I think raises yesterday that's get him outside and he said what to think,

00:05:46: Tad soccer estimate was for Eurovision Song Contest in the toilet I lemur Malik Harris had up given butter.

00:05:57: So he's obviously a shit idea my I hate this job boy am I ugly if I stop - leave our pumpkin season really know what I think about you my Hunger Thank You Tube sexpo next Doctor,

00:06:07: now album The CompTIA Heroes Lance beard all right let's at least be divided diamonds on how to surf in Spanish please.

00:06:17: Because it's wonderful Ricky Harris clever damaged teeth albuterol by MTV.

00:06:24: If you get another job done.

00:06:36: Yeah but it twists you started with food for humans it is here it's CDF for Kai has liquor that's hahaha.

00:06:47: That also silly non-speaking her in a client body killer will be able to run the cops and I know that I could snobs house.

00:06:54: I never liked him.

00:07:07: It's kind of catastrophic about strings ideology 4.40 my dad woke you up and out of fun just had others others from there I'm going,

00:07:18: yeah he's shy say about its mouth mine come back devil so let's let's let's the plats by me SC similar values on,

00:07:28: yeah it's always from the ignorant Exeter Chevalier up the numerous to because it was a good session English a Vespa that's called Smart Hub figure Punk times American how quickly it's yogurt can utilize the other person I wake up anger is so cool submitted by.

00:07:44: Besides it was that conference I did I've copped a bikini to answering his mobile,

00:07:48: yes I Clinic it's actually not a gap style tag up on this is emerged as reference groups take home front snaps so he resisted consider your hips as My Wo gonna like a testicle wine,

00:08:02: I just I couldn't I was this King time again it's like this is legally blind for schlock really needs is your Rammstein.

00:08:12: There's some a mime a mime has a just took you to loyal to the kicks off make some crab meat with his activist is and I'm Stein August little,

00:08:20: but you do of total probability may I add six pumped off in failure of info gonna pretend to here.

00:08:30: Flourish to You music - analysis tune of Bob has been conducted since then try kind in fact make my comeback democracy ft Hollywood.

00:08:45: And if the buyer is to buy on DVD sucking Marty kind of a street you got drama proof.

00:08:55: It's just get good Sun Kil moons and a whole Bird yeah there's a powerful but yeah um.

00:09:06: But if I say it must be dozens done.

00:09:09: Ben Ali who dis gig comedian she used the says Kentucky Victory Gundam somebody that is good Alistair speed yeah I'm done it's possible Reserve I declare I'm grounded are up my stuff fire with clacking seen thousands.

00:09:23: Unreasonable yeah that's trimmed with and shobo on data it will see okay it's.

00:09:31: Just into so presumably exam but thanks to the keep this is Ian of what as it is.

00:09:40: Does it feel is a asymmetry ingredients in Cranston maximum the so he must vote okay,

00:09:47: this is fast as you possibly can speak fluent for the adventure game.

00:09:53: Ava I'm not resides forget Ito Majorca sequence you had breakfast here,

00:09:58: so I'll click in the selection index neon that's them actually so sordid bunch of about you - vehicle or detective he's been real so it was an absence of and I'll do we started in D2 the explicitly that's gonna miss you bestowed him first.

00:10:14: Yeah 50 at a time cop do anything so for students in summer.

00:10:21: Only stock market is a good excuse to none in parvo convert this team of video cam Vector worker but I get immediate and unconditional very similar design.

00:10:32: The application name been responded to it brings FC Bayern myself I have is in 10,000 loaded a good reason yeah FC schalke buys the fire that's why Leaguer you but 20,000.

00:10:46: Yeah yeah but concealer notified you must look like to climb to him,

00:10:51: yeah that's like a fault saloons on door knocking trigger,

00:10:57: fisticuffs voice I don't know what I would suggest milk adapter it's my degree my young kids who are all fish things in the selective ID completed in a little bit mentioned.

00:11:07: It's knowledge of your mirror 18,000 some Hooks and hook standpoint.

00:11:14: About noon and I'll stick it nothing man yeah he'll actually could see you later yeah I must enjoy the video of each task analysis because lab assistant who's but first have said I think she had suffered him and disasters,

00:11:29: to success.

00:11:31: You better off staying at Lieber abstract and a fair amount of time on Ghost Party Mark let's see the other than 55 and they attacking,

00:11:40: so when the cook must IMA handle it's alright the kids are kind of forgiveness on the fire to know,

00:11:46: yeah fired most whose acts turn their slate tiles right.

00:11:56: Yeah good team and how it helps in The Clash like Tyler 50 the insertion Force wasn't nights in about yep CST will he listen,

00:12:06: Spa at home bored Indian tribes their Medina is kaput by the support Luca of them bleed,

00:12:25: disgusted I like 100 million until hot boy lines old RTM I look her of angulation.

00:12:34: That monster has asked my Munna to be rhetoric in the bath and you can see technical is Oscar Torres when.

00:12:41: Basically put one student Pakistani that in the shower I mean food heated you come off as an endemic nervously how about maybe 100 million courses board.

00:12:52: And Claudia students either state is this result is.

00:13:01: Yeah so no that's all my might I find done but who's Point crazy.

00:13:11: M he won't call it in English but I'm a yard and US dollar cost it is a sport sorry,

00:13:22: this is the first scene and you show us the Antarctica tribute.

00:13:29: Student do with Society first Sunday yeah we have been since fishing love you.

00:13:37: No I belong this Cuisine and so I can close our transition Mark gold.

00:13:56: Those items I know screwed as a team is such a killer had committed murder to never do her family's of years of War and Peace.

00:14:05: Or on this bill because he said something it's me humanum cast and cola zero and tentative cryptids in part argument simmer.

00:14:15: But hurt once it takes from you it's been crazy presently in a divorce.

00:14:22: I'll talk Azul yeah Time toy,

00:14:28: yeah you could have five cards 44 but I did it to really contribute if you are fast honest luck said I've already won,

00:14:37: any Contours the Augsburger I combine my house involved side from here Lance fear yeah feeling applied full of Schultz not cool,

00:14:46: what am I a quill and speed this is as slobber slobber hoodie in fruits extant David.

00:14:57: It's still be just fine that might make these 1000 V applied to an energy born under this democracy under the stuffed dogs going to give to them language can be learned by polish also cool,

00:15:10: yeah it's Club healthy man can work with an order as a club the head of Neurology field Slugger.

00:15:17: Kalki Ice Bears currently ice.

00:15:23: Because I get them to pull over and of part when you give us the most popular Shades of Cool Melody proven sinker.

00:15:34: A couple of shifts of me him Zama.

00:15:37: My save money Club damn lady cop she's now my life is I'm fast.

00:15:45: Additional to help you know understand and be healthy Phoenix.

00:15:52: Benito of in all of the dr. Banfield I had a games will he be David and federalism pine beetle in their life but the coolest all of the faculty needs every woman should have that human life would be if I had yeah yeah,

00:16:04: don't put this on my Muslim Buddhist I couldn't eat another and famine affected Kings chapter human on the street of a multi-party can't be,

00:16:12: he's a business because he tells see you love yeah yeah I am a dreamer.

00:16:21: Yeah what is your recording if you know it's other for Pablo your magazine often emotional leader and don't know what's over there still on the good man than words we do wouldn't be yeah I do.

00:16:32: I couldn't - exam the as far as the film from the capitals condition for dessert Steve adherence to mr. Ali reason their Cheerios and roots are consumed it can damage in here Liana Soldier,

00:16:46: of kindly I was eternity this is our intuition oil record.

00:16:51: Ambassador Sheila minister in a coalition with look pretty fuzzy confront nutrient not so cold outside,

00:17:01: yeah Indian minister in the assertion car like me take me,

00:17:08: Kyle Busch lands on the exterior of Bourgeois Society Z and ask a question.

00:17:17: Yeah quick Minister and.

00:17:24: Is one of the Absolution diets me here.

00:17:28: Yeah take me it's all cut and I'm sorry Steve is so I could cause a piece in the Abaya is that my lucky charm I called this guy much Omega C company this is the employer.

00:17:40: TMZ courses for we know about feel like it looks ridiculous not an iron stick it still come.

00:17:58: Cancel cancel for a bit of need to let him pull the stack by bit because it unites described Mr Collins wrote on my cook must and positive electrode in be my lunch or skin.

00:18:09: There's contamination.

00:18:13: And let's get the facts of this here kind of is already got easier Parvati technical via its recent alums of it's this cold are crazy for by it sidecar doughnuts Mattoon there's a up kotok them on,

00:18:25: as Adam and there's nothing else in tag as a stop them up well enough to Merit even rejected annoying Barrientos.

00:18:32: Still guy is a seen what happens to of Twitter the surface wouldn't that kill about the Auntie dear bunny server club which was.

00:18:40: Bus and there's a killer have this which hyped I draw her me off.

00:18:46: The job protected just like this photo to make creating candles under the extreme.

00:18:55: That's good enough yeah result twist read about it in the wrong direction that's often 5,

00:19:04: um yeah my style it's the new Marine versus melty from you if you like English ended up Hot Tips some results esteem.

00:19:16: And the kitchen will be Deepak First Connect never thought in its fighter flag.

00:19:22: My dad's side of this kind of guess I'm just too sure about influenced one of the active twin and influence I would help protect new dig deep historic house Trust,

00:19:31: the Moose need nia nia.

00:19:41: So it's name is ugly as it's out as fun it happens an influencer codes gold are responsible thing for the only 400 boosters typical semester.

00:19:52: Don't set it up back roll it up.

00:19:56: But you have just an amusement you do get anything your buddies in the seasonal beletsky dynamically excessive alcohol concentration Zone videos.

00:20:04: And that's gonna kinda Sangha under the dad of Ida Ida underneath to Berlin we forgive and has yet to decide if you choose our doctors our influence is causing another bride feels included we can often kind of another.

00:20:19: If you make it through the influence of Vinny Vinny style flute other things differently if I were complex contains only think about if I guess investor - and finally stand it melts,

00:20:33: Ashley for the influencer Boost stood as Pedro Lombardi Dieter bohlen on Katya.

00:20:45: Nine song off can um-hum.

00:20:48: Boys you have my own mask is in wouldn't be a little skeptical leader to digital environment hard time at the theater and yeah you know all this.

00:21:01: So it's got this very nose and cakes with the SDS was a community that's why me off no Dusty dry.

00:21:07: Awesome 30 videos that sell he's got speed Mammoth is life techniques ITV scarce and I'm in Tech Hub dolphin on her.

00:21:20: I'm good and so I'm sharp if you too happy feel yeah.

00:21:30: And so yeah it's happening client fun Factor this oh Penny I got actual in the hopes that was the student,

00:21:40: each symbol in this is to dispel enamel boozy night shrieking Target India hot.

00:21:51: As this in Berlin Moon detects reading Target Krishna click India uh-huh Mia L200 foam for the sake of its arrogance three ATM machine,

00:22:02: it's Castle them was so bad and helping women,

00:22:07: my politicization yeah Max Medina from one significant our GitHub kind of upset kind of 650 we see a note for them I saw him was he knows he can Target this week,

00:22:17: the kind of consequence ice Museum Boston yeah good to come out in Pedro de totally different from 100 relative inexperience not sleeping.

00:22:28: Yeah I didn't have the greatest of all of us figured some sort of linear decline shopping been was young good.

00:22:36: Radiation yeah but it's okay I love anything because of this depopulation Ababa don't know.

00:22:43: They physically psychologically Screech liquid ass underwear.

00:22:48: It's almost too much to bear with half a finger stick like PolitiFact accident that fun is there to be so fun it's just,

00:23:00: good servicing fuss about me that God probably like son gave Musa over and on something other than mobile pie,

00:23:09: he has its best room that I just wanted by the swag company she usually Museum had that you know if you need to Target the lead.

00:23:18: Yeah yeah husband of us it happened one of my father debacle and this chapter 4 verse distance versus then,

00:23:26: it was an industrial point with surface of universities don't have any energy left hands and fingers.

00:23:32: Most all assessed against its this tradition in India and Pakistan not so start below so there's this wonderful date I lost income as you complete answer.

00:23:43: Decomposition for belt allows nuts first me Alfonso device which Drive included under current exhibition in turn Pakistan from the does.

00:23:53: It's up this gives removes ignition if begets Life Begins world's attention in the political initiative would have a india-pakistan border with the fast our this logjam probably very very.

00:24:07: Definitely told me everything you decided you needed the cash miracle was sitting with you need a basketball is Kings on his vacation and sometimes the media does acts of us Kashmir.

00:24:18: The instilled I could be a famous study cancer also the bottom of the people's stomachs identity element and that's kind of how glorious diversity of a footballer will be but it's obvious,

00:24:29: it's only a few Indian and Pakistani sizes I got this really was of the other as I treat you like an observing here and it's nice and Blended have women it's mistake,

00:24:41: in the Executioner chicks I have that said ah yeah happened haven't formally yet.

00:24:49: If I'm pretty discouraged from idiot that's why she don't know it all seemed happy and you want to know I decree tonight I give back to this country that's awesome.

00:25:00: He just had my second cup of Italian painter fungal seat Italian fabric is so ourselves with the only key Lambda and for so am I Breaking Inside 40 completely can see the live chat nuts from talk hey.

00:25:13: This is tentacles cast,

00:25:15: not so to Mandan yet Steve Carr get to shower frog debacle from Luca VAs creaser on Spa very a part of the Milky box one dish lobsters.

00:25:30: Red Lipstick the moon's now suit wow.

00:25:38: As Luca mine to the man Cuisine were hunted to the hunter lipid at once complete Clarity it is.

00:25:49: This is some fresh seafood salad exact and women seek Fosse moves Woody,

00:25:58: banging come on ssuuna constantly India,

00:26:07: describe is performance fancy Z 16 bit of a it's in,

00:26:13: does this this is Dickies about in I'm sorry but there's also do it quits he gives his word so yeah I need some decent be Kevin karani in xana-do not Kevin Quran is closed.

00:26:26: Yeah that's what of hidden files or constant Yoda was the old code for the side Muslim King but then realized he's never was a Stephen King tuna voluble drink,

00:26:35: midnight AA Li North Korean soldiers on so I just wasn't go to your sister but I think I'm kidding as he has been for Noble person differently.

00:26:47: Yeah that's cool cities are kaiser will help you here backing past the da Talent if you would forget nothing do B and C Timber cut leggings and undermine guns under Stephen felt.

00:27:00: Jack let me tell ocean parts of his work he's got this gun stimulus funds this get some advice from there you have it thanks Tim Dubai is scription yeah all circles is to survive or spot.

00:27:12: Is Victor spoon something done Central I have an open wound home.

00:27:16: This isn't some Baba yeah well at least Tom back but this time.

00:27:27: In kind of immersed in lesson but the passenger has a little bar down its forget that kind of invited taxi where my fat is good listed.

00:27:36: This one it's a Mexico kind of success was clogged the money barter but I did miss Nia the in school this is that's his papa a good to man as it heads for my desire to as my stepfather know,

00:27:51: as you only start my cooking actually that's tender in the high mode.

00:27:57: Vigilance Lem specifically unspecified actually I'm consuming but so do that small teeny peepers,

00:28:04: that's easy because I'm Tiffany you forget 120 credits you can see the size of the wall above lecture put in and darken gets more serious and musty,

00:28:11: they can shoot skeet about it quick we're so missed come down with me to reach out and he said it's a part of who I believe departments won't get her.

00:28:22: Yeah the premier awesome power matai Shang and you can't keep what they earn and then the next verse system image collections.

00:28:33: I'm just finding this has Miss Michigan actually I was just the size fits love it,

00:28:40: who is Martha Commander to your hand it smells a lot of addiction Dodgeville given paw like I don't like I'm not gonna be exact,

00:28:56: before I could boost Boom by an excellent event is being done everything should be eternally burning in the early hours later.

00:29:04: And Hunt wacka it's a electrical boxes provide a good electrical Devon.

00:29:11: Why yeah but yeah but if he's trying to move you even was in.

00:29:19: Federal taxes she's amongst come on use about that book he also helped us yeah cloud in fire.

00:29:30: If you don't like ugly she is falling we cannot only lotion of deeply Hazel stadium has a unique design I have a slice them on time.

00:29:40: Pass this up Sookie reason.

00:29:44: Yeah good too man they're very s almost forward it was my Susie Bob let's keep our clothes on highlights and Thomas tag as I'm talking couldn't surf efinitely hunky ins Guardian.

00:29:58: Mine big cities mr. Gibson you really get soon my big City Club on fire.

00:30:05: Let's tip some prions Huerta take it up with her.

00:30:12: Hola this is my exit yeah our country all skin.

00:30:20: I've been at Alicia appeared in the soil sample and also only cooked.

00:30:26: Destiny really got so many comes in Spanish on all the work on that selling is the F function of Precinct good because he loved to drive continued economic Hub however thymus is owned by 3 Flex for me.

00:30:42: That's good off-market on my pocket but sweetheart it's noted as the ASD distance wind begins to moan be very hard yeah this is invitation mortgage.

00:30:50: Lindsay Jesus Ian experiencing the catching the snakes they were very sentiment among Traders really unique set of it good.

00:31:00: I'm a schizophrenic intuitive people can finale so you don't believe my dear and I'm talking nearby that clustered ability card demand signal Kaufman County but 500 oil and Dad acting let's move it.

00:31:22: Done said the original engine side towards the flag salute number this in even a hair brush down the only leader from did I find out if we started to come about,

00:31:34: before we are not singing suggested clutched before the onslaught crazy team Newton fair question but he sang,

00:31:42: so should do if so of the Uber Shaggy hold on for improvements on my son's Nix the water into your G chord and this clown,

00:31:53: you know what was in his apartment about 10:00 who's Contender afterward it's Danny.

00:31:59: Music.

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